
Acne Body Map: What Does It Reveal About Your Health?

It is a common belief that pimples, cysts, and blemishes only appear on the face when in fact acne can be present on the body too. There are many reasons why acne occurs on the body, some of which are serious and some are a quick fix.

Acne isn’t always a product of hormonal imbalances and clogged pores. Breakouts on specific areas of the body may actually indicate a serious health problem that will only disappear once the problem is resolved.

There are numerous places where pimples on the body may occur including the scalp, back, chest, neck, and arms. We can use an acne body map to figure out what issues are causing breakouts on the body and therefore figure out the best treatments to get rid of breakouts in these places.

Check out the infographic to figure out what your body acne reveals about your health.

An Infographic by Acne Supplements Critic.

Maria Kennedy

Content crafter at Infographic List. Maria Kennedy is a content creator by day and a yogi by night. When she is not working on her blogs, you can find her playing with her three boys or travelling in their van. Don't miss out on her travel and food blog >>> Travel for Food Hub.

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